Promoting positive body image through media
Incredible Machine Construction
NYC Center for Aerospace and Applied Mathematics Field Trip
Promoting positive body image through media
In our modern day world, the development of new technologies helps improve our quality of life. In grade seven, students will work as technological entrepreneurs to create their own inventions. Teachers and partners will work together to aid students in the development of this new way of thinking. Learning through this new lens will help
students see the world as engineers and entrepreneurs, as we are always keeping in mind college and career readiness.
Students will explore the concept of technology through the analysis of various texts and multimedia sources. Over the course of the
year, students will engage in discussion based around the theme of technology, engage in fictional, analytical and informational writing,
as well as develop projects that connect to
our technological theme.
While learning about the scientific method and investigating topics like the human body and geology, students will have a chance to create solutions to real world problems. Students will study how inventions have helped our
community and society over time in order to improve our quality of living.
This year students will explore technology in a
new and exciting way. We will be looking at the development of tools and inventions, and how
they aid our everyday lives. Students will
explore older technologies as well as creating
their own inventions.
Students will explore standards-based concepts as they relate to the development of new technologies.
Students will engage in class discussions and self/peer evaluations to create their own inventions.
Students will study and explore early American civilizations with a focus on inventions. Students will think about inventions that relate to early establishment American colonization and present day society.
All projects and activities will be based on technology and design. Some of the topics students will focus on are the study, design, development, and management of computer based technology.
Through this course, students will study and
explore the process of applying life science,
physical science, and chemistry concepts in growing food hydroponically; a modern solution that lowers the inputs of water and energy needed to sustain
a food system. At the end, students will have the skills necessary to plan a crop calendar and dish, which they will cook with ingredients from the hydroponic lab.